Keypress 是一个强大的 JavaScript 库,用于捕获键盘输入。这是一个有非常特殊的功能的输入捕获库,它是很容易掌握和使用,并且不依赖第三方库。在网站开发中,经常会碰到需要处理键盘输入的场景,处理起来繁琐。现在有了这个键盘输入处理的库就很方便了。
keypress.combo("shift s", function() {
console.log("You pressed shift and s");
// There are also a few other shortcut methods:
// If we want to register a counting combo
keypress.counting_combo("tab space", function(e, count) {
console.log("You've pressed this " + count + " times.");
// If you want to register a sequence combo
keypress.sequence_combo("up up down down left right left right b a enter", function() {
lives = 30;
}, true);
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